All people over the age of 16 must show photo identification to enter any of our facilities.
Youth Building Guidelines
Children age 11 and under must be in direct supervision of an adult at all times OR in a YMCA supervised activity.
Photo ID Policy
Anyone 16 years and older is required to show photo ID when entering any of our facilities. Some YMCA programs may require a parent or designated adult to sign in and/or out of a program in order for their child(ren) to participate. Adults will be required to present photo ID and the Y will only release to persons 16 years of age or older.
Youth/Parent Class Drop-off & Pick-up Policy
Children 11 and under registered for any YMCA class/program must be dropped off and picked up directly in the program area. Parents must escort children to the specific par of the building or field.
After the class/program is completed the YMCA staff/volunteer will wait with the child until the parent picks them up directly from the program.