At the YMCA we believe that toddler-age children learn through play in both their learning experiences and their environment. Active exploration of concrete materials will help children use a multisensory approach to learning about the world around them. Toddlers need time for uninterrupted play, with the freedom to explore and interact with other participants and caregivers in the classroom environment.
Additionally, toddlers thrive off of consistent daily routines, caregivers, and expectations. Knowing when to expect their meals and naps, who will be their primary caregiver(s), and what will happen when they test their limits make toddlers feel safe in their environment. When children feel safe, they are more likely to take risks in their learning, venturing farther and experimenting further with the materials they have access to.
Toddlers are consistently learning about themselves, other, and how to relate to each other. During this period of their lives, they are learning so many skills! Potty training, new words and conversational language skills, playing alongside peers and sharing toys, the beginnings of problem solving, and more advanced gross motor skills, just to name a few! Learning new skills can be frustrating, and working through these emotions and frustrations, while coping with new feelings can be exhausting. Encouragement and positive reinforcement from caregivers is key during this period of development.
We are proud to be an early childhood program representing the YMCA. The Whatcom Family YMCA is a powerful association of men, women, and children committed to strengthening communities through youth development, social responsibility, and healthy living. We serve our local community with programs for the spirit, mind, and body. The Y provides enrichment opportunities for all ages, from babies to senior citizens and everyone in between. Every day we work side-by-side with our neighbors to make sure everyone – regardless of age, income or background – can grow and thrive.
Most of our families are placed on waiting lists as soon as they learn when they’ll need care. Barkley, Heart House, and Downtown have separate waiting lists, so please make sure to get on both if you are interested! Enrollment is generally taken from those lists, based on the date they were put on the list, weekly schedule, and birthdate. We do accept DSHS/Working Connections for payment in our programs, as well!
Upon a guarantee of a spot, you will be given paperwork and asked to pay a deposit. The deposit is one half of a month’s tuition plus the registration fee, which is held until the time your family starts. This deposit is non-refundable. All enrollment questions and procedures will be conducted with the program’s Director or Program Supervisor. Once your family is enrolled in our early childhood program, their spot will continue to progress through all our classrooms until they leave for kindergarten.